Product packaging is absolutely worth your very best effort

Product packaging is absolutely worth your very best effort–

To surprise and delight buyers you’ve already convinced lowers marketing barriers to future sales by increasing those existing customers’ likelihood to buy again.

Truly, you can save the big bucks by applying strategic focus to customer retention. According to Markinblog,

  • It costs companies up to 7x more in marketing efforts to attract a new prospect than to retain an existing one;

  • The probability of successfully selling to an existing customer ranges between 60-70%, while, to a new prospect, the probability of successfully selling ranges between 5-20%;

  • Approximately 65% of companies’ ecommerce business originates with existing customers; and

  • Existing customers are likely to spend up to 67% more than new prospects.

So, you’re now wondering, what will quality product packaging as a means for existing customer retention require? Big spending on custom pieces? We say no.

On the contrary, we think DIY product packaging is a great choice!

What will actually make or break your product packaging is brand design.

If you’re going to impactfully leverage your resources on anything, it should first be a brand concept (primary and secondary logos, submarks, colors, fonts, practice standards) that establishes your confidence and appeals to your target market. Haven’t yet taken that step? We'd love to chat with you!

Then, take that strategically designed brand to our most-frequented source for beautiful, approachable product packaging.

Enjoy all the marketing efficacy of high-quality pieces and all the ease of DIY simplicity.

Now’s the perfect time to try NoIssue–they’ve just released a wide variety of new product packaging options, and they’re to die for.

Tissue Paper

Box & Mailers




Effectively punctuate the quality of your business offerings with beautiful,

yet approachable, DIY product packaging, and keep your existing

customers running back!

Let us know if you use NoIssue – we want to see your beautiful creations!


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