Quick Ways to Automate Your Customer/Client Retention Strategy
A proven method for retaining happy, repeat customers and clients is strategically adding extra value in unexpected places; AKA, going the extra mile to show them you genuinely appreciate their business. And good news—to do so really doesn’t require unpaid hours or grandiose expense.
We’ve got some ideas about how you can automate your customer/client appreciation below.
For commerce businesses:
Consider custom packaging for product delivery—our favorite resources for packaging design and printing are listed here. It’s truly not as complicated (or expensive) as you might think. And depending on your order volume, you could include a handwritten thank-you note to top it all off!
Consider adding a website page programmed to load after purchases are made that features a simple thank-you video (all the better for retention if customers come face-to-face with you, the founder at some point in the purchasing process).
Consider offering additional resources via email regarding best use of your products and answers to frequently asked questions.
For service businesses:
Consider gifting something unique and related-ish to your brand either upon starting or finishing a project (for high-ticket offers, could be a nice present; for lower-ticket offers, could be as simple as a handwritten note or a $5 Starbucks gift card). Chances are, your generosity and thoughtfulness will take your client by surprise, and they might even tell their friends or post about it on social media!
Consider sending a personalized introductory and/or signing off video to your clients when starting and/or completing a project.
For all businesses:
Consider adding a customer feedback loop to your website to ensure you’re always aware of customer and client experience quality.
Consider offering discounts to customers or clients who refer others to your business.